Subject Choice

It is good to know that subject choices are becoming more varied, thus allowing for better-aligned decision making regarding individual learner abilities and subject options.
Over the last few years, in an attempt to future-proof learners, the WCED has included a range of new core subjects. Read more.
Indeed, this enlarged scope is vitally necessary for school leavers to cope with an increasingly VUCA workplace (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous). In particular, the areas of critical thinking, technological understanding and application as well as creativity and effective communication are critical in an increasingly technological age.
As some subjects are considered foundation for the learning process required for tertiary education it is imperative that these are chosen carefully to suit the learner and the field of study envisaged Some examples are provided in the table below, although these can change from time to time, depending on university policies.
Career choice
Science & Maths
Engineering, Medicine (although Science and Life sciences are required at different universities for medicine)
Accountancy / Business Studies / Economics
While these may be useful, they are not prerequisites for any Bachelor of Commerce Degree. Pure maths however is required
Fine Art degrees; not required for architecture although a creative portfolio is required as part of the application package and those who take art can use their year work for this purpose
Should one wish to move into environmental studies through the humanities faculties, geography is a pre-requisite. If applying through the Science faculty, science is required and geography is ‘nice to have’
Required for any Bachelor of Science degree from computer science, to molecular biology and genetics
Other factors to consider are competence and interest as even though a subject may be required for a particular course, is there any point in doing it, when there is neither enjoyment nor aptitude?
Hence, discussions around all manner of possibilities, options, the learner’s various abilities and skills, and the dynamic market-place is the focus of a subject choice consultation.
Psychometric testing is also available if required, although often Grade 9 learners tend to have a slightly more limited understanding of the particular career fields, with different vocations regularly being touted as ‘the one’. (Thus, at times, a full career assessment is more useful during Grade 11 or early Grade 12. At a Grade 9 level, it is useful to keep realistic options open, rather than focussing on a career).