Quarterlife Transition

So, things perhaps are not going quite according to plan and various life stages are getting in the way of career advancement or the career is blocking life plans?
While we often start out with confidence and sure knowledge of how our careers will pan out, the reality can be different, with all manner of happenings affecting our anticipated linear projection upwards!
It’s not an uncommon situation!
“A career path is rarely a path at all. A more interesting life is usually a more crooked, winding path of missteps, luck and vigorous work. It is almost always a clumsy balance between the things you try to make happen and the things that happen to you.” Tom Freston
Never-the-less, as the majority of our working lives is spent in the workplace, it stands to reason that we want this time to be enjoyable, satisfying and fruitful, paving the way for gradual and meaningful self- actualization.
Shifts often happen during the 20's and 30's when students have donned their work clothes, spent a good few years working and have found that they no longer enjoy the work that they trained so hard to do. The dilemma is that they studied diligently to get to this point, but too many years stretch
ahead to even consider continuing in the same vein until retirement, and too much has been invested to make a change.
What many clients don't realise, is the variety of possibilities open to them without necessarily having to completely change their existing qualifications.

In addition, most often these thoughts and experiences tend to coincide with important life shifts, such as marriage, starting a family, divorce, emigrating, buying a house, and sometimes the accompanying financial burden creates the need just to stick it out. Hence a sense of ‘stuckness’ and or despondency can arise.
In my counselling and coaching sessions, I offer the time to think, to be heard, to explore and to be inspired to make the shifts to change, to advance and or to rejuvenate your career.
We begin to separate out the various influences or aspects, realising what you can change and what you can’t. We start prioritizing essential actions.
While bearing in mind the need for your deeper insight, understanding and acceptance, we look at all manner of possibilities, as well as begin implementing the very necessary support required to make such transitions impactful.